Team day of Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Austria, Vienna office


Timbatec meets Architecture Days: Among the many events on offer, the team from the Vienna office decided to visit Seestadt Aspern and take part in the city walk.

Team day of Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Austria, Vienna office

Team Day Office Vienna | On the right track

As an introduction, the participants made their way up to the last floor of - a special pilot project in timber construction. The impressive visible load-bearing columns demonstrate the outstanding properties of wood as a building material.

After an excellent culinary refreshment and an intensive exchange of ideas in the Portobello restaurant, the team made their way to the first meeting point of the city walk: the Technology Center!

The timber high-rise in Vienna's Urban Lakeside |

The HoHo Vienna in Vienna's Urban Lakeside is an innovative, sustainable and modern high-rise building made of wood and concrete. The hybrid construction method using a wood-concrete composite is economical and efficient. The unclad spruce wood walls create a cozy atmosphere. The building meets urban planning and urban needs and offers seven different areas of use. It is aimed at a new generation of tourists, workers, visitors and self-employed people and offers a unique spatial experience.

«He who has a new idea is a crank until the idea strikes.» - Mark Twain

Certification - The HoHo Vienna stands for naturalness, the spruce walls visible on the inside create a particularly cozy atmosphere. The sustainability of the building has also been proven: The timber high-rise has been rated in the internationally recognized rating system for environmentally friendly buildings.

Timber construction - wood is cozy, atmospheric and has many advantages as a natural building material: wood has an enormous load-bearing capacity with a low dead weight, is stable and elastic at the same time, can also be used in many different ways and has a positive influence on the indoor climate as it can absorb and release a lot of moisture. Just one example: a cube of fir wood with an edge length of four centimetres can bear four tons of weight. This makes wood stronger than concrete!

They were guided through the technology center by DI Hannes Achammer from ATP architekten ingenieure where a successful cooperation at the European Patent Office and Florido Liner could be looked back on. A large area consisting of several blocks, where special attention was paid to the energy supply and the building services concept. A big thank you to Hannes Achammer for the interesting information!

It was only a few minutes' walk to the second starting point: the Forum am Seebogen was presented very charismatically by DI Josef Saller from studio heri&salli architects as was the timber construction itself with all its considerations and associated stories. Since the future of construction is currently being revolutionized in joint projects with studio heri&salli, the business partner was able to provide support with specific questions on the subject of timber construction and fire protection during the tour. Thank you studio heri&salli!


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