First place in the study contract. TULIPA project impresses


The planning team Mireya Heredero Architektin, Zurich, Balliana Schubert Landschaftsarchitekten AG, Zurich and Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz AG, Zurich win the study contract for the further development of Badi Muri AG. Congratulations.

First place in the study contract. TULIPA project impresses

Information event on the further development of Badi Muri/AG

Beat Küng, municipal councillor and head of the building construction, planning and energy department, opened the information event on the further development of the Muri Badi. He emphasized the importance of the Badi for the municipality and explained the comprehensive process of needs assessment and scenario evaluation that led to the master plan and program for the study contract. The winning project, TULIPA, was convincing in operational, economic, architectural and urban planning terms. The study contract marks the end of the planning credit of CHF 300,000, which had been running since November 2019 and included a detailed workshop and a comprehensive analysis.

Winning project TULIPA | Timbatec Expertise in the design concept

The study commission initiated in 2022 aimed to find a sustainable and coherent urban planning solution for the modernization of Badi Muri. Four teams presented their concepts, with the TULIPA project by Mireya Heredero, Balliana Schubert, Beck Schwimmbadbau and Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz AG coming out on top. Christina Kohl from EBP Schweiz AG, who accompanied the process, praised the unanimous choice and the precise implementation of the spatial program as well as the efficient operating procedures. She emphasized the adjustment stage, which led to the full exploitation of the concept potential.

The TULIPA project is characterized by an angular, single-storey building that defines the area and offers a high quality of stay. The open space design contributes to the attractiveness and allows for flexible uses. The timber construction blends in sensitively with the existing building and organizes the usage areas sensibly. A structured roof marks the southern head in terms of urban planning and forms a covered front zone in the north.

Timbatec contributed its expertise in structural engineering and timber construction concepts. From the base of the floor slabs upwards, a timber system construction in post-and-beam construction will be used. Taking into account the given room programs (restaurant, changing rooms and covered outdoor area), the design of the roof structure was a special challenge with regard to the construction and load transfer of two separate room program units, which are connected by a hipped roof construction.

The existing bathing pavilion will be converted and reused. TULIPA impresses with its precise implementation and efficient operating processes. The three building complexes (restaurant, technical facilities, caretaker and changing rooms) cover an area of around 750 m2.

Beat Küng went on to explain that the modernization of Badi Muri will increase its attractiveness and enable the restaurant to operate all year round as part of the Bachmatten sports facility planning. The estimated total costs amount to around CHF 16 million, with CHF 2.8 million having been spent to date on the pool water technology and CHF 0.4 million on the study contract. Credit increases in May 2023 and May 2024 were approved in order to make well-founded decisions in the concept phase and save costs later on.

The municipality of Muri invites residents to the public exhibition of the submitted projects, which will take place in the town hall until July 12, 2024. The studies will be presented in the corridor between the chancellery and the regional registry office.


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