10 years of the Bern office Timbatec anniversary event


Together with customers and business partners, the teams from Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz rocked the roof terrace at Falkenplatz 1 in Bern. The reason for the celebrations was the 10th anniversary of the Bern office.

10 Jahre Büro Bern

10 years of the Bern office | Cozy celebration on Bern's roof terrace

Refreshing drinks and the finest food, a good-humored crowd of guests and impressive magic guaranteed a perfect anniversary party.

A big thank you goes to our anniversary partners who contributed to the success of the event.

Catering and catering, Foundation Südkurve Lyss
www.suedkurve-lyss.ch, Alain Revilloud, David Widmer

Drunk offer, «the Valserman» City of Bern
Sven Klädtke our reliable bank for sufficiently cool «Bärner Müntschi»

DOC Gin from Ginhouse Brugger
www.ginhousebrugger.chRobin Brugger
the spinal surgeon from Gränichen who makes gin

Tom Lauri magician
www.tomlauri.chprovided the magic moments

«Bärner Mandelbärli» www.mandelbaerli.ch
«Thank you very much, it's nice to be here!»

Impressions and pictures
👉 Selina Regamey 🙏

It was wonderful, our anniversary event. We are already looking forward to the next edition in 10 years' time. A few impressions in the following slider.


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