Together with customers and business partners, the teams from Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz rocked the roof terrace at Falkenplatz 1 in Bern. The reason for the celebrations was the 10th anniversary of the Bern office.
Refreshing drinks and the finest food, a good-humored crowd of guests and impressive magic guaranteed a perfect anniversary party.
A big thank you goes to our anniversary partners who contributed to the success of the event.
✅ Catering and catering, Foundation Südkurve Lyss
www.suedkurve-lyss.ch, Alain Revilloud, David Widmer
✅ Drunk offer, «the Valserman» City of Bern
Sven Klädtke - our reliable bank for sufficiently cool «Bärner Müntschi»
✅ DOC Gin from Ginhouse Brugger
www.ginhousebrugger.ch, Robin Brugger
the spinal surgeon from Gränichen who makes gin
✅ Tom Lauri magician
www.tomlauri.ch, provided the magic moments
✅ «Bärner Mandelbärli» www.mandelbaerli.ch
«Thank you very much, it's nice to be here!»
Impressions and pictures 👉 Selina Regamey 🙏
It was wonderful, our anniversary event. We are already looking forward to the next edition in 10 years' time. A few impressions in the following slider.