Conversion and extension at Eidmattstrasse 14, Zürich


The residential building at Eidmattstrasse 14 in Zurich, built in 1967, was renovated and two storeys were added.

Facts and images
Construction Data
Raising the attic
Raising the attic
Steel cross for earthquake reinforcement
Steel cross for earthquake reinforcement
Steel cross for earthquake reinforcement
Steel cross for earthquake reinforcement
Screwing the roof elements together
Screwing the roof elements together

The project
The existing apartments were renovated and the wet rooms and riser zones were renewed. Two storeys were added to the existing building. In order to keep the additional loads of the extension as low as possible, it was built in timber construction. Additional steel crosses and concrete slabs were installed on the first floor and basement to strengthen the building against earthquakes.

The construction method
The extension is constructed entirely in timber. The extension of the stairwell and the elevator shaft was constructed with encapsulated CLT walls. Due to the room geometry, the ceilings were made of cross-laminated timber panels. A steel support grid was laid on the existing reinforced concrete ceiling to transfer the loads locally to the load-bearing walls on the floor below.

The challenge
Due to the different floor plans between the extension and the existing building, loads had to be absorbed and transferred at certain points. The encapsulation of the wooden elements of the staircase was carried out cleanly in close cooperation with the timber constructor.

Services of Timbatec

- SIA Phase 31 Preliminary project

- SIA Phase 32 Construction project

- SIA Phase 41 Tendering and comparison of offers

- SIA Phase 51 Execution project

- SIA Phase 52 Execution

- SIA Phase 53 Commissioning

- Specialist planning Fire protection

- Fire protection Quality assurance QSS2

Timber construction engineer
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure (Schweiz) AG Zurich
8005 Zurich

Timber construction
BAUR Holzbau AG
8907 Wettswil

Koenig Architekten AG
8032 Zurich


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