Survey 3D Business Case


In timber construction, 3D planning has been standard for decades, and the perfection of the components and processes is impressive. Our vision is that all planners work simultaneously and team-oriented in one model. Your opinion is important to us, take part in our survey.

Survey 3D Business Case

There is a lot of talk about digital planning especially when innovation is to be communicated. In timber construction 3D planning has come a long way. In terms of collaboration, we in the timber construction industry must also we in the timber construction industry need to review our processes and adapt our planning adapt.

In construction planning, it would that all planning contractors work on the same model at the same time. at the same time. Sure - without rules, you get a salad. That's why we've been working hard years to understand the processes required for collaboration. collaboration. From this, we have developed methods and rules and built a business case. Now we would like to know what you think about it and ask you to complete the survey.

Link to the survey

The survey takes a maximum of 5 minutes. The answers will be treated confidentially and anonymously. The contact information is voluntary. Among the participants who address, we will raffle off a voucher from Swiss Historic Hotel worth CHF 500.

Thank you for your participation until 13.05.2022.


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