Under the well-known address the website of our sister company TS3 presents itself in a fresh design - now also in French. More informative, more modern and more specific: discover here all the features, learn how TS3 was developed or take a 3D tour of a TS3 building.
On the new website www.ts3.biz, you will find all the information on the new technology prepared for specific target groups. With easy-to-use tools, you can easily estimate the costs and ceiling thickness of a TS3 ceiling. We also provide insights into the development of the technology.
From frustration to vision
In 2009, Timbatec AG encountered in three competitions in three competitions: the clients are interested in timber construction, but want large but want large column grids and flexible usage options. The team struggles with wood-clad steel-concrete solutions - the work has little to do with timber construction and is no fun. little to do with timber construction and is no fun. This and the conviction that timber construction can make a major contribution to climate protection, is the impetus to look for new solutions. for new solutions. It had to be possible to construct even large buildings entirely from wood! of wood! The vision of large wooden buildings becomes concrete.
In 2010, co-owner and pioneer Stefan Zöllig set himself an ambitious goal: 8 x 8 meter column grids made only of wood. His that there is enormous untapped development potential in timber construction, is the is the driving force behind the development. Some industry colleagues declare him crazy, but the Timbatec team goes along with it. The road to the development of TS3 begins. The vision: a timber construction solution for large-scale buildings that can compete in every respect with concrete and steel. concrete and steel in every respect.
From trial to breakthrough
In 2011, work begins on the new work on the new type of column heads. Three years of development and many trials are needed until the solution is ready. In addition to many innovative minds team, collaboration with the ETH Zurich and the Bern University of University of Applied Sciences was decisive for the success: The column heads are bearing. With the ETH and the University of Applied Sciences to the goal.
2013 is about nothing less than a revolution in timber construction: joining wood face to face. We are testing different fasteners and initially try wedge-jointed joints. After the first tests, it becomes clear that even butt-jointed boards can be supported with the TS3 technology. This is the breakthrough! The first TS3 project, a carport roof in St.Antoni FR. St.Antoni FR, is installed and grouted. Glue specialist René Wicki joins the team and becomes team and becomes head of application technology.
From solution to market readiness
2014 is an eventful year for TS3. Bubbles in the joint compound challenge the experts. The search for the cause is laborious but rewarding and leads to the development of the pretreatment that is now standard at TS3. On December 5, 2014, TS3 reaches a milestone: Timber Structures 3.0 AG is founded. TS3 becomes an AG and the first house is built.
In2015, the first TS3 multi-family house is built and occupied in Thun. The building owner is enthusiastic.
In2016 , TS3 presents the new technologies at trade fairs, including the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE) in Vienna and the Construction and Energy Fair in Bern. TS3 pioneer and founder Stefan Zöllig presents the vision of the city made of wood and calls on the professional world to build ecologically with wood. The presentations meet with great interest.
In 2017, TS3 builds a test stand together with ETH Zurich to test the TS3 connection at high loads and under the influence of weather. TS3 is also registered as a trademark in the USA.
From houses to the city of wood
In 2018 , TS3 is appearing with Stefan Zöllig and Marcel Herzog in Oregon USA at the International MassTimber Conference. Stefan Zöllig's appearance is an accolade for the product. In Switzerland, the first TS3 multi-family houses are built at the same time: one in the Bernese Oberland and four houses in the Seeland region. This means that TS3 technology is ready for the market. In the same year, the new TS3 endurance test stand is set up at the Bern University of Applied Sciences in Biel.
In 2019, the first TS3 application technicians are trained and certified in Switzerland and the USA. In the same year, TS3 signs the private label contract with Henkel und Cie. AG for the use of the polyurethane casting resin specially developed for TS3. The silver medal of the "Innovation Award Wood" is another highlight of the year.
In2020, TS3, together with Timbatec and other partners, builds Switzerland's first cellar made of wood in Thun. This pilot project will be researched and accompanied by the Bern University of Applied Sciences BFH AHB.
In2021, the first four-story apartment building with a column-and-slab construction made of wood will be built in Frenkendorf BL. With the system change from concrete to wood, around 600 tons of CO₂ could be saved at Fasanenhof.
2022 The TS3 team already numbers over ten people. Sven Bill, the designated managing director and successor to Stefan Zöllig, joins the company. Zöllig has new ideas and will in future devote himself to his passion again: The development of new technologies.
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3-D tour through the Fasanenhof in Frenkendorf