Basic principles and research approach
Commercially available elevator elements in the application areas of new construction, renovation as well as extension of buildings served as the basis for the development of the module concept. The concept is divided into the following sub-areas:
- Dimension of the construction,
- structural characteristics,
- possible effects on the module,
- as well as any fire protection and building physics factors.
Consequently, structural calculations were performed and possible superstructures and details were created.
Results and conclusion
These calculations resulted in a design manual which is used for comparative analyses with the conventional building material concrete. In addition, a comprehensive construction as well as detail catalog was created. In the future, this will offer woodworkers the possibility to quickly and easily create an elevator shaft module in CLT and to provide a competing product to the concrete shafts used up to now. Title Thesis: Développement d'un module de cage d'ascenseur en bois lamellé-croisé pour la construction, rénovation et l'extension de bâtiments.
Form of work: Thesis at the BFH AHB
Author: Florian Fritschi