The «Haus zum Lindengarten», Zürich


The Haus zum Lindengarten on Hirschengraben in Zurich was built in 1725. The renovation was carried out in 2018-2019, but with the least possible intervention in the existing building fabric.

Facts and images
Construction Data
Photo: Roger Frei
Photo: Roger Frei
Beautiful tiled stove and stucco ceilings, photo: Roger Frei
Beautiful tiled stove and stucco ceilings, photo: Roger Frei
Inner courtyard
Inner courtyard
Exterior view
Exterior view

The project
The Haus zum Lindengarten is a main component of a stately complex located in the immediate vicinity of the Kunsthaus. The building was renovated with the least possible intervention in the existing fabric. Since all the pipes in the building were replaced, new openings were required in the floor ceilings. These had to be statically calculated and correctly executed in terms of fire protection. The two-story roof had special requirements because its existing construction did not comply with fire protection regulations. After the repair, the two attics of the main building can be converted into office space.

The construction
The smaller buildings behind the main building used to be a stable and barn and were built in frame construction. The main building consists of a rubble stone masonry. The storey ceilings are made of wood with beams placed end to end. The two-story roof is a horizontal truss in construction and spans from exterior wall to exterior wall. Without a support, the attic offers itself as a spacious meeting room.

The challenge
All existing old constructions had to comply with the new fire protection regulations. These had to be incorporated and verified. The attic could be reduced in fire resistance by a fire protection concept with good justification. Thus, the beautiful existing old lying roof truss could be strengthened with a few targeted measures to comply with the guidelines.

Construction Data

- Building height approx. 21 m

- Building width approx. 15 m

- Building length approx. 25 m

Services of Timbatec

- SIA Phase 11 Status analysis

- SIA Phase 31 Preliminary project

- SIA Phase 32 Construction project

- SIA Phase 41 Tendering and comparison of offers

- SIA Phase 51 Implementation project

- SIA Phase 52 Execution

- SIA Phase 53 Commissioning

- Fire protection planning

- Fire protection Quality assurance QSS2

Edelmann Krell 8045 Zurich

Office for Structural Engineering 8021 Zurich

Timber construction engineer
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure Schweiz AG 8005 Zurich

Civil engineer
AF Toscano AG 8048 Zurich

Construction Management
Anderegg Partner AG 8045 Zurich

Roger Frei Architectural Photographer 8032 Zurich


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