Johnsonhaus, Köniz


In the heart of the municipality of Köniz, in a sunny location close to the center, a residential and commercial building has been realized on Neuhausplatz. Not only the facade but also the supporting structure is made of wood.

Facts and images
Construction Data
View rounding
View rounding
Facade view with balconies
Facade view with balconies
Balcony (Photos: Alexander Gempeler)
Balcony (Photos: Alexander Gempeler)
Body, ceiling support
Body, ceiling support

The project
The building in the form of a quarter circle has dimensions of approximately 90 x 14 x 17 m. In it 32 rental apartments between 3½ and 5½ rooms were created. Furthermore, the building includes 3 loft apartments as well as 820 m² of retail, service and commercial space and 26 parking spaces. The residential and commercial building of the Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation in Köniz won the "Recognition Region Mitte" at the Prix Lignum 2015. The Prix Lignum is awarded every three years in the five major regions of Switzerland for pioneering timber construction projects. Timbatec was allowed to ensure all timber engineering services and fire protection for this showcase project.

The construction
The timber construction starts from the ceiling above the first floor (prestressed reinforced concrete ceiling) and consists of 4 full floors. Wood-concrete composite ceilings were installed between the load-bearing apartment partition walls. The roof is also a wood-concrete composite ceiling, the outermost layer of which is formed by extensive greenery. The building is braced via the superimposed concrete as well as through the staircase cores into the foundation.

More info:

Construction Data

- 162 m3 Glulam GL24h

- 586 m3 Structural timber C24

- 17 m3 Kerto Q

- 337 m2 OSB

- 9000 m2 Gypsum fiberboards

- 12 t steel

Construction costs

- BKP 1-9: 20.5 Mio.

- BKP 2: 17.0 Mio.

- BKP 214: 2.5 Mio.

Services of Timbatec

- Technical site management and site inspections

- Statics and construction

- SIA phase 31 preliminary project

- SIA Phase 32 Construction project

- Fire protection planning

- SIA Phase 41 Tendering and comparison of offers

- SIA Phase 51 Implementation project

- Feasibility study

Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation
3001 Bern

Büro B Architekten AG
3011 Bern

Timberconstruction engineer
Timbatec Holzbauingenieure (Schweiz) AG Bern
3012 Bern

Kühni AG
3435 Ramsei

Civil engineer
3006 Bern