Timber educational buildings | the latest Timbatec magazine


Timber construction continues to conquer the construction world in leaps and bounds. We are pleased about this - and the climate is pleased with us. The versatility and innovative properties of wood as a material are impressive, and its use in the building program impressively supports the path to climate neutrality.

Timber educational buildings | the latest Timbatec magazine

Educational buildings made of wood | the Timbatec magazine

Demographic change and continued population growth mean that the need for infrastructure to fulfill public tasks continues to increase. This situation is particularly pronounced in the education sector. In this magazine, we shed light on the topic using educational buildings made of timber and provide in-depth content through interviews with personalities from the fields of education and architecture.

We publish our «Timber and Technology» magazine twice a year, each time taking a closer look at a current topic in the timber construction industry and providing an insight into exciting construction projects.

Click here for the current magazine

à Educational wooden structures

Click here for the magazine archive

à Magazine Timber and Technology

We hope you enjoy reading it and look forward to working with you in the successful timber construction market.

We send our customers and partners a «Timber and Technology» magazine twice a year. Have you not received a magazine? Or do you have suggestions for improvement and input for the next issue?  

Please contact Lorenz Obrist at lorenz.obrist@timbatec.ch. We look forward to receiving your feedback with the subject line TT-Magazine. Thank you very much.


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