Diploma ceremony of the Bern University of Applied Sciences: Top grade for Joel Hächler


278 students of the Bern University of Applied Sciences, Architecture, Wood and Construction received their diplomas in a ceremony on October 25, 2019. We congratulate our interns Iro Nui, Patrick Javet and Joel Hächler, as well as Desbele Teklebrhan and Adam Themessl on their successful graduation. We especially congratulate Joel Hächler for the best Bachelor thesis.

Diploma ceremony of the Bern University of Applied Sciences: Top grade for Joel Hächler

In the Department of 278 students successfully completed their bachelor's, master's or technician's studies. technician studies successfully. Several graduates received graduates received an award for their outstanding performance.

Top grade for Joel Hächler
Among them is Joel Hächler (2nd from left). He wrote the best bachelor's thesis of 2019. In his thesis, he addressed the question of whether impact sound measurements on wooden ceilings are are possible in a small test rig. For the excellent work he received the award of the Swiss Engineering STV association. We are pleased to count Joel Hächler among our employees today.

Around 1000 visitors from business and education policy as well as relatives of the relatives of the graduands attended the graduation ceremony, to congratulate the 141 Bachelor graduates. 45 were received their Master's diploma. At the School of Wood Engineering Biel 92 received the diploma as certified technician HF wood technology.