Lignum, the Swiss timber industry, informs, raises awareness and publishes on important topics related to wood. Lignum defines the state of the art with its latest publications "Holzschutz im Bauwesen" and "Schallschutz im Holzbau". We recommend these publications to planners of timber construction projects.
Lignum, the Swiss timber industry, is the umbrella organisation of the Swiss forestry and timber industry. It unites all the important associations and organisations in the construction-oriented timber chain with a total of around 85,000 jobs. As a professional partner, we are involved in the production of new documentation and aids for the planning of timber construction projects. Recently, the following two documentations have been published.
The new Lignatec 35/2023 'Wood preservation in construction' replaces the Lignum basic document of the same name on wood preservation from 1995. The new edition is based on the currently applicable SIA standards and thus reflects the latest state of knowledge. Lignum members have already received the new edition by post. Non-members can order the document online from Lignum. Further information.
The new Lignum documentation on sound insulation first deals with the basics of building acoustics and central principles of sound transmission from building components. Based on this, it presents tried and tested solutions with detailed information on component structures and connection joints for various timber ceiling constructions in combination with timber stud walls and solid timber walls. Further information.
For questions about wood, planners can contact Lignum directly and free of charge. The following topics can be discussed at the advisory service without obligation and for a maximum of 30 minutes:
- Technical questions on the subject of wood
- References and explanations to Lignum brochures and technical documentation
- Referral to companies and regional contacts from the Lignum network
The advisory service is available free of charge from Monday to Thursday from 8-12 on 044 267 47 83.