The motion "Research and innovation of wood as a material for use in infrastructure construction as a decarbonization contribution" was adopted in the Council of States and the National Council. Now it is up to us to present solutions on how steel and concrete can be replaced by CO₂-storing materials in the future. The RTS daily news shows the enormous potential of wood.
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The motion "Research and innovation of wood as a material for use in infrastructure construction as a decarbonization contribution" by Lignum President Jakob Stark and IHBE President Erich von Siebenthal was adopted in the Council of States on June 15, 2021 and in the National Council on November 30, 2021. Now the Federal Council is instructed to explore the possibilities of decarbonizing infrastructure construction in cooperation with universities and the relevant standards commissions. In particular, it is to be examined or sought to supplement or replace reinforced concrete with CO₂-storing materials. Research into and innovation of wood as a material for widespread use in infrastructure construction should be a priority.
Wood is the solution
Infrastructure construction is one of the largest CO₂ emitters in Switzerland. in Switzerland. The main cause is the use of reinforced concrete, bound with cement. Alone cement production alone, with annual CO₂ emissions of approximately 2.5 million tons, cement production alone accounts for over 5 percent of national CO₂ emissions. Now that the motion has been approved at the political level, the ball is in our court, to present solutions on how steel and concrete can be replaced by wood in all possible areas can be replaced by wood in the future.
First promising applications for wood in infrastructure construction already exist. already. The Rynetel wildlife overpass is a good example. In the 1930 RTS news, the enormous potential of wood is illustrated by the Rynetel wildlife bridge. Nevertheless increased support for research and innovation is needed to make a a timely and significant contribution to CO₂ storage and the reduction of CO₂ production can be made.
Research and implementation strategy
Timbatec has developed a research and implementation strategy together with the Bern University of Applied Sciences. We look forward to the challenges of building bridges, viaducts and tunnels from wood in the future.
For the construction of infrastructures, in the building sector but also in other other areas, such as the road sector, there are already a number of Various solutions are already available with materials that do not produce CO₂ during manufacture, but store it, such as wood. but store it, such as wood. Wildlife overpasses, noise barriers or bridges across the axis are already being built using timber construction methods. We are convinced that with research and development work, wood will soon also be used for tunnel tunnels or bridges along the axis.
For further information on the motion: Link