10 years of Timbatec, thank you Sybille Rütsche


Congratulations and a big thank you for your commitment and many years of loyalty to the company. Sybille Rütsche, Business Economist HF, Administration employee. The teams of the Timbatec family are proud of you and thank you for your cooperation.

10 years of Timbatec, thank you Sybille Rütsche

10 years of Timbatec | Thank you for your commitment, Sybille Rütsche

Thank you very much for your tireless efforts and your valuable support at our Zurich office. You master the administration with exceptional skill and make a significant contribution to ensuring that project orders are correctly recorded and properly invoiced to our customers. Your precise and reliable work in invoicing as well as your wide-ranging commitment and support in various areas such as marketing and secretarial services are extremely valuable to us.

With your commercial training and further training as a business economist HF, you have not only proven your professional competence, but also your ability to act very independently and proactively. We particularly appreciate your open communication and the appreciative way in which you contribute to the teams. In this way, you make a significant contribution to a positive working atmosphere and promote good cooperation with your colleagues.

A big thank you for everything you do for the company every day. We are delighted to have you as an important pillar in our ranks and look forward to working with you in the future.


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