Our Our greatest asset is our highly trained and motivated employees. employees. We promote them where we can. Paid training or part-time work is therefore a matter of course for us. as a matter of course.
Timbatec has its finger on the of developments. This is only possible with committed and well-trained employees. That's why each and every one of us is entitled to 100 hours of personal year. A solid basic education with a technical school or an engineering degree in engineering studies in wood technology are ideal prerequisites for a career at Timbatec. at Timbatec. But also motivated and ambitious candidates who who like challenging and interdisciplinary tasks are welcome. Part-time work is possible in all positions.
Our offices are all located close to the train station and are equipped with the latest technology. Coffee and fruit baskets for free self-service are just as much a part of our standard as the best software and hardware.